Also known as the CSIR Mk 1.

The first computer to play digital music.

It’s Australian too.

Max Matthews.

Computer music pioneer.

November 13, 1926 – April 21, 2011

The ‘Max’ part in Max/MSP is named after him.

New breed of MIDI controller?

Bassicly.com – Organized bass heavy music

Bassicly.com – Organized bass heavy music

First steps to an API displaying Australian recording studios

View Larger Map

First stop, Studios 301 Byron Bay.

Funk. Soul. Rhthym and Blues.

Funk. Soul. Rhthym and Blues.

10cc – I’m not in love



NWA in the studio.

SPL – Cobalt




modplug tracker. amen break. hotkeyz.

all together now.

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