I’ve been taking more and more photos in the last year or so and remember how much fun and excitement I got from photography while I was growing up. I documented so much of my teenage years with a Canon ELPH lt260 and a Canon T50 which have both been misplaced, lost or donated. I do remember another horrible point and shoot digital camera around 1999/2000 but I’d never be bothered to fill the battery compartment with fresh ones because it would always chew them so quickly. And thats about the time photography took a back seat for me and I’d almost forgotten about it.
Fast forward ten or so years and I’ve gotten myself two second hand cameras, one digital and one 35mm and it feels just like it did before. I’ve always enjoyed the control and expression that a camera has offered me and the two different mediums call for different approaches. To help my understanding of film photography I attended a six week darkroom course at PhotoAccess in Manuka with Rob Agostino as the instructor. The scent of darkroom photography is an unforgetable one and I felt as if I’d been there before and I kind of had, couped up in a similar room, it was just in some high school many years earlier, making contact prints, smiling at the magic in front of you and having fun.
I’ve begun reconnecting with something I was, and now understand still very fond of; Photography.