– Organized bass heavy music
Bassicly is an App that utilises multiple APIs to provide a service that allows people to listen to bass orientated / electronic music in a seamless interface. Bassicly was created as a result of frustrations with listening to the vast amount of musical content available on YouTube but not having an easy to use interface to do it with. As well as being able to play music from YouTube, you can make it scrobble the tracks you are listening to in real time to
Interested? Find it here.
modplug tracker. amen break. hotkeyz.
all together now.
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Donna Summer – I feel love.
“This is it, look no further. This single is going to change the sound of club music for the next 15 years.”
Brian Eno 1977
Giorgio Moroder with Donna Summer.
Describes the recording process for Bruce Springsteen’s song The River.
Head over to mixonline and check all the other Classic tracks entries.
I’m sure there’s a song or two for everyone.
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