Hello and welcome to part four of the C41 Process.
Looking back at part three there are some things I would’ve done differently, but this is the whole point of this exercise, to get a better eye for photography and share my story along the way.
Just like the collections before, the majority of the photographs are taken using my Nikon F801s and 50mm 1.8D lens then developed and scanned by Hillvale, but this time I’ve introduced something that’s new for me when it comes to producing images – Lightroom 5.
I’ve taken the scans I received from Hillvale, and using Lightroom I’ve cropped, altered white balances, corrected perspectives, adjusted contrast and whatever else I think will make my photographs more engaging.
And so starts another chapter of learning, post-processing, but enough with the technical talk and more about the photos.
My favourite photo I’ve taken to date is included in this series and it’s the one with Emily, Clare and Eb taken in the Blue Mountains. The reason? I guess it’s the smiles that do it for me. Just wonderful.
Anyway, I enjoyed taking them and I hope you enjoy looking at them.